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Risks to Health from Drinking Water In this chapter we summarize the important public health risks from drinking water in British Columbia infantile spasms 2013 order rumalaya liniment 60 ml visa. Of the 29 waterborne disease outbreaks reported since 1980 muscle relaxant with ibuprofen generic 60 ml rumalaya liniment free shipping, more than half have been caused by parasites (Giardia spasms pregnancy buy discount rumalaya liniment 60 ml line, Cryptosporidium, Toxoplasma). Nitrates from livestock wastes, fertilizers, or septic tanks can filter down through soil and contaminate water, as can spills of chemicals. Naturally occurring chemicals such as arsenic cause contamination in some areas of the province. Turbidity (cloudiness) affects water quality in certain areas, usually on a seasonal basis. For thousands of years, water has played an im portant role in the transm ission of hum an diseases. Typhoid fever, cholera, hepatitis A, am oebic dysentery and other agents of gastrointestinal disease can be transm itted by water and have been responsible for m illions upon m illions of incidents of death and disease in the worlds populations. W hile these agents still kill m illions each year in developing countries, fortunately in developed nations good waste m anagem ent, im proved sanitation and the treatm ent of drinking water now control m any of these once-deadly infectious agents. However, a num ber of very serious health risks can still potentially exist in our water. The re-em ergence of cholera and typhoid fever as health threats following the break up of the Soviet Union illustrates how health gains can easily be lost if water system s are not adequately m aintained. A further exam ple is an epidem ic of cholera that swept through Peru, affecting m ore than 800,000 people, when chlorination was discontinued because of the fear of the effects of disinfection by-products. Acute and Chronic Health Effects and Concerns W aterborne contam inants can cause two types of health effects, acute and chronic. Drinking Water Q uality in B ritish C olum bia: the Public Health Perspective 47 4. Risks to Health from Drinking Water Acute health effects arise im m ediately, within hours or days of ingesting the contam inant in drinking water. M icrobial contam inants, such as bacteria, viruses, and protozoan parasites cause acute health effects, of which the sym ptom s are usually diarrhea, nausea and vom iting, and in extrem e cases death. High levels of arsenic, nitrates, or other chem icals ingested through water can also cause acute, and som etim es fatal, illness. Long-term health effects are the possible result of exposure to a drinking water contam inant day after day for m any years at levels above the recom m ended guidelines. Contam inants that m ay cause cancer or other health effects after long-term exposure are usually elem ents, chem icals, or heavy m etals in the water such as arsenic, lead, solvents, or disinfection by-products. A third class of concerns are aesthetic concerns— contam inants that m ay m ake drinking water unpalatable or unattractive but do not cause health effects. This chapter outlines the key acute and chronic health risks that m ay arise from drinking water in B. As m uch as possible, these risks have been ascertained from the best available m edical evidence, scientific studies, and epidem iology. W here the evidence is uncertain about whether a certain agent or chem ical is harm ful, we present the best available inform ation. W e then outline the best advice available for how to prevent the risk from occurring in the first place and how to m inim ize the risk if it enters the water supply. Further discussion of the m ethods of controlling the risks (risk m anagem ent) can be found in Chapter 5. M icrobial Agents of W aterborne Disease Water is a very hospitable m edium for a num ber of m icro-organism s— bacteria, viruses, and parasites— and provides an environm ent in which they can rem ain viable and be widely dispersed through the water system. Of those outbreaks, 17 (59 per cent) were caused by protozoan parasites that are m ore resistant to com m only used disinfectants such as chlorine. Viruses, bacteria and parasites that can cause waterborne disease in hum ans share a num ber of com m on features. Most of them have anim al hosts, usually m am m als or birds, and can infect hum ans through eating contam inated m eat, inadequate handwashing after direct contact with the anim al, or through the environm ent, such as by drinking contam inated water. Som e of the m icro-organism s do not cause illness in the infected anim als, and so apparently healthy anim als can excrete m icro-organism s that can cause infection in hum ans (Szewzyk, Szewzyk, M anz, & Schleifer, 2000). Hum an infection by these m icro-organism s tends to m ost com m only appear as gastrointestinal illness— diarrhea, nausea, vom iting, and abdom inal cram ps.

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Furthermore, vaccine studies that tions have also enabled the development of updated have been performing in the last 20 years have not diagnostic methodologies aimed at an earlier and provided satisfactory results due to virus extreme more accurate detection of virus antigens and virus-variability and escape mechanisms from the immune specifc antibodies in biological samples. Arch Virol 1 Reverse Transcriptase: molecular mechanisms of polymeri-1989;106:1-13. Peeters M, Gueye A, Mboup S, Bibollet-Ruche F, Ekaza E, Mulanga C, Ouedrago R, Gandji R, Mpele P, Dibanga 8. Clin Infect Dis antibody seroconversion in plasma donors: implications 1998;26:323-9. Wild birds in aquatic habitats are thought to be their natural Fowl Plague, Grippe Aviaire 1-9 reservoir hosts, but domesticated poultry and other birds can also be infected. While infections in people are often limited to conjunctivitis or mild respiratory disease, some viruses can cause severe illness. During the last century, such viruses have caused or contributed to at least three pandemics in humans, contributed to the diversity of swine influenza viruses in pigs, and also produced one of the two canine influenza viruses now circulating among dogs. Infections are whenever two influenza viruses replicate in the same cell, particularly common among members of the order whether the viruses are adapted to the same host species Anseriformes (waterfowl, such as ducks, geese and swans). An important aspect of 9,46,84,89,109-113 However, infections may be uncommon in reassortment is that it can generate viruses containing either some members of these orders. The ‘antigenic shifts,’ may be sufficient for the novel virus to prevalence of infection among wading birds (waders) is completely evade existing immunity. After a subtype has 92,97,109 reported to be high in some areas, but low in others. For Avian influenza virus lineages instance, infections among seabirds seem to be particularly common in murres (Uria spp. The amount of reassortment between these long distances, may exchange viruses with other lineages seems to differ between regions, with very few populations at staging, stopover or wintering sites. These viruses can infect a wide variety of wild birds belonging to many different orders, Domesticated birds and mammals 27,32,108,143-including the Anseriformes and Charadriiformes. Once a virus has adapted to poultry, 10 cats, dogs, donkeys, tigers (Panthera tigris), leopards it rarely re-establishes itself in wild birds. Serological evidence of few reports of infections in psittacine birds, and pigeons infection or exposure has also been reported in horses and appear to be relatively resistant to infection compared to 20,229-231 raccoons. Some Asian lineage H5 reassortants, such as an H5N2 virus recovered from a sick dog in China, may be able to Host range of the Asian lineage H5N1 avian influenza cause illness in mammals. In addition to Asian experimentally with some isolates, although virus 257-259 lineage H5 and Eurasian H9N2 viruses, diverse subtypes replication was limited in some studies. In one study, 195,197-201,276,277 While many infections with avian influenza experimentally infected pigs shed two H9N2 isolates that viruses are transient, some established swine influenza originated in poultry; however, an H9N2 isolate from wild 253 viruses are wholly of avian origin or contain avian-origin birds did not appear to replicate in swine. Raccoons could be infected were relatively resistant to infection, and while quail experimentally with an avian H4N8 virus,286 striped skunks transmitted this virus efficiently to other birds, pigeons and (Mephitis mephitis) with H4N6 and H3N8 viruses, and Pekin ducks did not. A parakeets shed high titers in oropharyngeal secretions in number of influenza viruses (H3N3, H3N8, H7N7, H4N5, one study. Worldwide eradication of the reported human infections caused by Asian lineage H5N8 Asian lineage H5 viruses is not expected in the near viruses, although four infections with H5N6 viruses have future. However, People and other mammals are usually infected with asymptomatic, naturally infected cats appeared to excrete avian influenza viruses during close contact with infected these viruses only sporadically, and there was no evidence birds or their tissues, although indirect contact via fomites that they transmitted them to other cats. Likewise, the H7N9 virus cases where ingestion probably occurred, but additional 399 in China does not appear to spread readily between people, routes of exposure also existed.

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Some persons may experience abdominal pain, weight loss, digestive disturbances, and possible intestinal obstruction. However, people can get a more serious illness called cysticercosis by consuming food or water contaminated with the eggs of Taenia solium (pork tapeworm). The worm eggs hatch, and the larvae then migrate to various parts of the body and form cysts (cysticerci). This can be a serious or fatal disease if it involves organs, such as heart or eyes, or an organ system, such as the central nervous system. For example, an individual with cysticercosis involving the central nervous system 28 Small Plant News Guidebook Series Introduction to the Microbiology of Food Processing (neurocysticercosis) may exhibit neurological symptoms such as psychiatric problems or epileptic seizures. Life Cycle of Taenia saginata Scolex Adult in small attaches to intestine intestine Undercooked Gravid or raw beef Human proglottid in ingested feces or environment Egg in feces Cattle Embryonated Cysticercus in eggs or muscle proglottids ingested Oncosphere Enters hatches and Circulation penetrates intestinal wall Cysticercus in lungs, brain, eye, and connective tissue Life Cycle ofLife Cycle ofTaenia soliumTaenia solium Oncosphere hatches and penetrates Scolex Adult in small intestinal wall, then enters circulation attaches to intestine intestine Autoinfection Undercooked Gravid or raw pork Human proglottid in ingested feces or Egg or proglottid ingested environment Egg in feces Swine Embryonated Cysticercus in eggs or muscle proglottids ingested Oncosphere Enters hatches and Circulation penetrates intestinal wall United States Department of Agriculture 29 Introduction to the Microbiology of Food Processing Trichinella spiralis (Trichinae) is an intestinal worm that produces larvae that migrate to and encyst in muscles of a number of animals, particularly swine. Humans consuming infested pork that is undercooked get ill from the cysts, which then live in the muscles of the human hosts. The frst symptoms are nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and abdominal pain, followed by headaches, eye swelling, aching joints and muscles, weakness, and itchy skin. In severe infestations, persons may experience difculty with coordination and have heart and breathing problems. Life Cycle of Trichinella spiralis People get Trichinae from eating undercooked or Pigs get raw pork, or Trichinae by Adult worms in eating scraps of the intestines raw/undercooked raw pork, rats, produce many meat from other or other young infested animals, infested animals like bear. Worms in the Young worms muscles carried through become blood to muscle enclosed in cyst Young worms enter muscle and develop Parasitic protozoa of concern in meat processing include Cryptosporidium parvum and Toxoplasma gondii. Cryptosporidium is typically transmitted to humans from the fecal material of animals, primarily cattle, via contaminated water or, occasionally, food that has come in contact with contaminated water. A form known as the oocyst is shed and can sporulate and survive in soil and other environments for extended times; the sporulated oocyst is infectious to all warm-blooded hosts. When ingested, the sporulated oocysts go through several forms, eventually forming cysts in tissue, such as muscles. Toxoplasma can cross the placenta and afect the fetus, resulting in blindness 30 Small Plant News Guidebook Series Introduction to the Microbiology of Food Processing and more serious efects in the brain. It is commonly transmitted to humans by eating undercooked meat of an infected animal or by inhaling the dried feces of cats when cleaning the litter box. Given a cool, damp environment, these protozoa may survive in moist foods for months; however, they won’t multiply in foods. Protozoa may be introducted into food by infected food handlers, from contaminated water used in the fnished product stage of processing or washing processing equipment, and from ingredients contaminated on the farm. Control of Foodborne Pathogens Primary Source of Microorganisms in Food Raw materials and ingredients are the primary source of food contamination. Although muscle tissue is generally considered to be sterile, exposed muscle quickly becomes contaminated during the slaughter/dressing process and supports the growth of spoilage microorganisms, as well as pathogens. The bacterial pathogens that are most likely to be found in livestock and poultry include Salmonella, Campylobacter, and L. United States Department of Agriculture 31 Introduction to the Microbiology of Food Processing The following list outlines some of the most common ways in which microorganisms enter food products: V Soil, water, and in-plant environment Many bacteria are carried in soil and water, which may contaminate food. Tese include, but are not limited to , Listeria, Clostridium, Salmonella, and Escherichia. The in-plant environment also may be an important source of contamination due to daily activities or pest infestation. The organisms in dry animal feed are spread throughout the animal environment and may occur on animal hides, hair, feathers, etc.

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The commonest form of human infection is cutaneous anthrax spasms upper left abdomen buy rumalaya liniment 60 ml lowest price, which may progress to septicaemia and meningitis spasms from alcohol buy rumalaya liniment 60 ml cheap. The spore enters through damaged skin and produces a vesicular lesion with a necrotic centre muscle relaxant lotion cheap 60 ml rumalaya liniment mastercard, surrounded by extensive oedema (“malignant pustule”). Large Gram-positive, square-ended, capsulated rods without spores are seen in smears from the vesicular fluid. On blood agar it produces large, flat, greyish colonies, up to 5 mm in diameter, with a rough surface texture and irregular edges showing hairy outgrowths (Medusa head). The preliminary distinction should be based on the absence of haemolysis, benzylpenicillin sensitivity, and the lack of motility in B. In contrast, most of the saprophytic Bacillus species are motile and strongly haemolytic. For definitive diagnosis, a pure culture of the isolate should be sent immediately to the central veterinary or public health laboratory. Susceptibility testing Antimicrobials may not always be needed for the management of patients with wounds, abscesses, or exudates. Proper surgical incision, drainage and débridement are generally more important than antimicrobial drugs. The results of susceptibility tests should be made available, however, within 48 hours after receiving the specimen. Routine susceptibility tests should not be performed on bacteria that have a known sensitivity pattern, such as streptococci, Pasteurella, and Actinomyces, which are almost without exception susceptible to benzylpenicillins. For Enterobacteriaceae, non-fermentative Gram-negative rods, and staphylo-cocci, the standardized disc-diffusion test (Kirby–Bauer) should be used. Only antimicrobials currently being used by the requesting physicians should be tested. New and expensive antimicrobials should only be tested (or reported) on special request, or when the isolate is resistant to other drugs. Problems are often encountered when testing the susceptibility of staphylo-cocci, both S. Over 80% of isolates, even from the community, produce b-lactamase and are resistant to benzylpenicillin and ampicillin. Infections caused by benzylpenicillin-resistant staphylococci are often treated with b-lactamase-resistant penicillins of the meticillin-group (oxacillin, cloxacillin, etc. The oxacillin disc (1mg) is currently recommended for testing the susceptibility to this group. As heteroresistance of staphylococci is easier to recognize at low temperatures, the incubator temperature should not exceed 35∞C. A heteroresistant strain shows, within an otherwise definite zone of inhibition, a film of hazy growth or numerous small colonies that are often dismissed as contaminants. If such growth appears, a Gram-stained smear is indicated to exclude contamination. Heteroresistant strains are clinically resistant to all the b-lactam antimicrobials including cefalosporins, carbapenems, and the meticillin group. For this reason staphylococci need not be tested for susceptibility to cefalosporins. Staphylococcal susceptibility to ampicillin should therefore not be tested separately. A 97 Anaerobic bacteriology Introduction This manual frequently refers to anaerobic bacterial infections and anaerobic bacteria. The former may occur in virtually any body tissue and at any body site provided that the prevailing conditions are suitable. The majority of anaerobic bacterial diseases are caused by endogenous bacte-ria that are part of the normal body flora and that are perfectly compatible with health until something happens to disturb the balance of the normal flora, or to allow the passage of bacteria from one anatomical site to another. Abscesses of practically any organ, bacteraemia, peritonitis, thoracic empyema, cellulitis, and appendicitis are just a few conditions in which anaerobic bacteria may play a very significant role in the disease process. It is therefore important that the microbiologist knows when and how to culture for anaerobic bacteria in a given clinical specimen.

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This will be distributed as shown in the blueprint outlines (Appendix-V) (accounting for 50% of the written end-of-year examination) muscle spasms 9 weeks pregnant generic rumalaya liniment 60 ml otc. Suggested References for the Saudi Boards Final Written Examination of Cardiology Strongly suggested references 1) Heart Disease: A textbook of cardiovascular medicine spasms prostate purchase 60 ml rumalaya liniment amex, by Braunwald spasms in lower left abdomen purchase genuine rumalaya liniment on line, Zipes and Libby 2) Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Board Review, by J. Otto 4) Textbook of Interventional Cardiology, by Topol Additional references: 1) Cardiology, by M. Kern 6) the Art and Science of Bedside Diagnosis, by Sapira 7) Interventional Cardiology, by Singer Annual Promotion Annual promotion depends on obtaining a satisfactory evaluation in rotation in the year in question, in addition to passing the end-of-year exam. An average of 60% in the end-of-year examination and continuous assessment and a minimum of 50% in each aspect of the evaluation is required to pass each evaluation item. Examination format the final Saudi board examination consists of two parts, a written and a clinical exam: Written examination (accounting for 50% of the final score) 1) This examination assesses trainees theoretical knowledge base (including recent advances) and problem-solving capabilities in the adult cardiology specialty. This covers all cardiology-related topics, as shown in the blueprint outlines (Appendix-U). Otto  Textbook of Interventional Cardiology, by Topol  Additional references:  Cardiology, by M. Kern  the Art and Science of Bedside Diagnosis, by Sapira  Interventional Cardiology, by Singer Clinical examination (accounting for 50% of the final score) 1) This examination assesses a broad range of high-level clinical skills, including data gathering, patient management, communication, and counselling. Passing score the passing score is 70%; however, if the percentage of candidates passing the examination is less than 70%, the passing score can be lowered by one mark at a time until a 70% passing rate or 65% passing score is achieved, whichever comes first. Certification A certificate acknowledging training completion will only be issued to fellows upon successful fulfilment of all program requirements. Candidates passing all components of the final specialty examination are awarded the “Saudi Board of Adult Cardiology” certificate. Understands indications for, and techniques of, endotracheal intubation, ventilator management, and indications for, and techniques of, ventilator weaning. Understands the pathophysiology and management of congestive heart failure and cardiogenic shock, including appropriate pharmacologic agents and indications for intra-aortic balloon-pump insertion. Discusses appropriate information with patients and families, such as giving bad news and engaging in end-of-life discussions. Involves all appropriate health care team members (other medical, nursing and allied health care staff) in the treatment process in order to ensure accurate, effective patient management. Effectively utilizes resources to balance patient care, learning needs, and outside activities. Allocates finite health care resources wisely, including the triage of patients and the prioritizing of patient assessment and admission. Utilizes information technology to help optimize patient care, life-long learning, and other activities. Health Advocate s the important determinants of health that affect patients – in s includes providing appropriate advice regarding secondary of heart disease. Develops, implements, and monitors a personal, continuing education strategy, along with attending and contributing to rounds, seminars, and other learning events. Critically appraises sources of medical information and appropriately applies this knowledge to health care decisions. Facilitates the learning of patients, junior residents, students, and other health professionals. Delivers the highest-quality care with integrity, honesty, and compassion (reports facts accurately, including personal errors, and maintains appropriate boundaries between work and learning situations). Practices medicine in a manner that is ethically consistent with the obligations of physicians. Overall Evaluation Score (%) = [(# of scored points) / (# of applicable items x 3)] x 100 = J. Please emphasize strengths and areas that require improvement: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ K. Knows the indications for cardiac catheterization and percutaneous and surgical revascularization. Knows the rationale of the pharmacotherapy available in the cardiac catheterization laboratory for the treatment of angina and unstable coronary syndromes.

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